SRS Signature Durian Trip to Malaysia on 13th July 2024
About 120 SRS members, their families & friends eagerly gathered for SRS Annual Durian Pilgrimage to Malaysia to savour the fresh durians from the plantation & to have a fun & relaxing day trip. Normally we'll have 2 Busload full of participants but for this year we extended it to 3 Buses due to the overwhelming response & to keep our members happy.
We left Singapore at about 8.00 am & reached Gelang Patah at about 11.00 am to have our Breakfast. Although there was a slight jam at the Causeway, we took it in our stride and savoured the variety of food provided by quite a number of food stalls.
Thereafter, we proceeded to Everyday Durian Plantation at Yong Peng which was a good 2 hour drive. This long journey was more than compensated by a delectable spread of Premium Durians. The feedback we got from Participants was that it was the best variety of durians they ever had & they were able to fill their durian longing tummies to their hearts' content. Some tropical fruits were also provided for variety.
After taking a memorable group photo, some proceeded to Paradigm Mall to do some quick shopping.
Thereafter, we proceeded to have our delectable Dinner at Delicious 8 Restaurant at Senibong Cove in Masai. We must say that the food was really good.
After satisfying our tummies to the hilt, many took a leisurely stroll along the scenic bay with it's glittering lights & cool sea breeze.
All in all, fellow SRS members, their families & friends had a memorable one day getaway and are already looking forward to next year's SRS Signature Durian Trip.
Watch this space for more of SRS interesting events.